The Under-specified problem
I think of the simple linear x y z
problems of the previous pages as the attempt
to find the single point in 3-space that satisfies the given equations.
If the resultant square matrix is singular, then instead of finding a single point, we find a point on the line and we have
an equation we can use to find the equation of the line, if desired, using
(I - A‡A) z
, or by directly examining
the unused column(s) of the C
Occasionally a matrix problem arises where there are more unknowns than equations.
This happens, for instance, when combining Taylor's series for approximating the derivatives when using Finite-Differences
(as I was wont to do back before learning Finite-Elements.)
In this case, there's multiple possibilities but these are all related.
The equations
Here's a typical problem with one more unknown than equations:
The same vector notation applies, even if the A
matrix is not square.
The matrix A
The vector x
The vector b
Inverting the non-square matrix
To solve for the x
vector, we augment the matrix for row and column
operations as before, but we must use Identity matrices of the appropriate rank:
Subtract row 1
from row 2
Divide through row 2
by -4
Subtract 2
of column 2
from column 3
Subtract column 1
from column 2
Add column 2
to column 3
Divide through row 1
by 2
The original matrix is completely reduced.
What remains is an Identity matrix of rank 2
, therefore we use
columns of the C
and 2
rows of the R
The Pseudo-inverse of the under-specified problem
Multiply the C
matrix into the R
matrix to
obtain the A‡
Confirm the two generalized matrix properties
The first thing to notice is the A‡
pseudo-inverse is not square.
We must be able to multiply this pseudo-inverse times our original A
matrix on the
right or left.
For this to work, our pseudo-inverse must have as many columns as the original had rows, and as many rows as the
original had columns.
Left and right hand inverse
Multiply our A‡
pseudo-inverse times the original
Then multiply the original A
matrix times this one to get
A A‡ A
which should equal A
Therefore our A‡
pseudo-inverse meets the first property of
the generalized matrices discussed earlier.
It is the left-hand inverse of the original matrix.
Now check the pseudo-inverse and original for the second property - right-hand inverse.
Multiply our intermediate matrix times the pseudo-inverse.
This is A‡ A A‡
which should equal A‡
Both properties are confirmed.
This solution might not be the "least squares" solution obtained by Moore-Penrose, but the method doesn't
suffer from the problems we saw earlier.
In the next section we look at applying this method to an even more under-specified problem.
And here's a short note on how to go directly from this work to the parametric or symmetric equation of a line.